Monday, January 28, 2008

Student Presentations - Evidence Based Practice

Here are the pics & video from the student presentations given at the local TOTA meeting at Shriner's on January 16, 2008! Thanks Jessica for taking the pics! Enjoy

(42:47) - Click image above to play

Presenter's Question

Scott McCoy - How does positioning affect the incidence of decubitus ulcers in nonambulatory patients?

Sheryn Fox - Does functional electrical stimulation increase function in the tetraplegic hand?

Adrianne Herbst - Is serial casting an effective means to reduce contractures associated with elbow fractures?

Kirk Coward - Does the use of pressure garments help to reduce hypertrophic scarring in burn patients?

Tamara Snow - Is splinting and effective conservation treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Katy Dow - Does static splint wear for the hand decrease pain for patients with rheumatoid arthritis?

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