Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SOTA Social Chair

Attention all SOTA members!
As I mentioned Tuesday at the general meeting, we have a position open for Social Coordinator. The person filling this position will have it until May 2008. Here are the responsibilities of Social Chairperson, as stated in the SOTA-Houston bylaws:
1. Shall survey membership to identify the social interests of the chapter members.
2. Shall appoint a committee to organize and implement social functions.
3. Shall act as coordinator of the social committee and report the committee's plans to HSCB (consider this the SOTA officers) and chapter members.
4. Shall serve as a member of the Ways and Means Committee.
If you want to be nominated for this position, please e-mail Scott at BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1st! Thank you!

Scott B. McCoy, SOTA President

Restraints a stroke therapy tool: Study monitors treatment results

By ABRAHAM MAHSHIE of the Tribune’s staff

Published by Columbia Tribune, link to article click --> HERE
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Don Shrubshell photo
From left, Angie Conrow, 30, of Fayette hugs Alex Roark, a graduate student in occupational therapy after a “constraint-induced therapy” session for Conrow yesterday at the School of Health Professionals at the University of Missouri. Conrow suffered partial paralysis from a stroke nearly two years ago.

Don Shrubshell photo
Angie Conrow's unaffected arm and hand are restrained as she learns to regain the use of her right arm and hand.

AOTA Student Delegate

Congratulations to Caroline Johnston! You are now the new AOTA Student Delegate for 2008 :).

Monday, January 28, 2008

Student Presentations - Evidence Based Practice

Here are the pics & video from the student presentations given at the local TOTA meeting at Shriner's on January 16, 2008! Thanks Jessica for taking the pics! Enjoy

(42:47) - Click image above to play

Presenter's Question

Scott McCoy - How does positioning affect the incidence of decubitus ulcers in nonambulatory patients?

Sheryn Fox - Does functional electrical stimulation increase function in the tetraplegic hand?

Adrianne Herbst - Is serial casting an effective means to reduce contractures associated with elbow fractures?

Kirk Coward - Does the use of pressure garments help to reduce hypertrophic scarring in burn patients?

Tamara Snow - Is splinting and effective conservation treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Katy Dow - Does static splint wear for the hand decrease pain for patients with rheumatoid arthritis?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Double amputee uses bluetooth to walk again

From Larry Shaughnessy

Ben Taub 5k Run

Thanks Jenny T. and Veronica for sending me this. Here are the brave souls that ran their hearts out for the run!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Healing Power of Guitar Hero with OT

by Chris Faylor Jan 23, 2008 10:30am CST

Link to article, click HERE

How to Talk to Parents About Aging

On NPR, Talk of the Nation, January 17, 2008 ·

Discussions with your aging parents about the future can be filled with tension. How do you approach the subject of elder care without upsetting everyone involved?


Amy Dickinson, writer of the syndicated column "Ask Amy" for the Chicago Tribune

Joseph Coughlin, director and founder of the MIT AgeLab

Listen Now [30 min 19 sec]

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Class of 2007

Check out Class of 2007's blogsite about their Level 2 FW experience!
Thanks My!

Class of 2007

AOTA Conference

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful break and a happy new year! It's about that time to start thinking about the AOTA conference in April. Probably, most of you have received the conference pkg that lists prices and education sessions. In case you haven't, below you'll find a cost breakdown for airfare and travel expenses, conference registration, and hotel fees.


April 9-13, 2008

$97 + taxes/fees
$99 + taxes/fees
Total = $215.50

April 10-13, 2008

$99 + taxes/fees
$99 + taxes/fees
Total = $217.50

*I've checked Delta & AA to Long Beach (LGB), but the prices are btw $260-$600 & involve a bunch of connections.

Ground transportation to/from LAX & hotel:
Shuttle - $30/person
Taxi - $55


Feb. 13 deadline - Early full conference

Mar. 19 deadline - Regular full conference

Mar. 19 deadline - Daily registration
$140/day for Thursday, Friday, or Saturday

Mar. 19 deadline - Sunday only


Hyatt Regency - Long Beach (Conference Headquarters)
200 South Pine Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90802
$169 single
$189 double
$209 triple
$229 quadruple

Hilton Long Beach & Executive Meeting Center
701 West Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90831
$169 single/double
$189 triple
$209 quadruple

Renaissance Long Beach Hotel
111 East Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90802
$169 single/double
$189 triple
$209 quadruple

Westin Long Beach
333 East Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90802
$169 single
$189 double
$209 triple
$229 quadruple

Best Western Hotel @ the Convention Center (Student Hotel)
517 East First Street
Long Beach, CA 90802
$129 single
$139 double
$149 triple
$159 quadruple

Courtyard by Marriott - Long Beach
500 East First Street
Long Beach, CA 90802
$152 single/double
$172 triple
$192 quadruple

*You can make your reservation online @
*However, if you use the Long Beach Housing Bureau to coordinate your reservation, a deposit fee of $175 is required at time of reservation. You may want to look into reserving directly with the hotel and verifying the AOTA room rate.

**$200 roundtrip to fly to LAX is pretty good deal and I know the price will only get higher.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Wii and therapy

Check out CNN's video on using Wii games and rehab therapy to motivate patients.

Click here for video