Wednesday, January 30, 2008

SOTA Social Chair

Attention all SOTA members!
As I mentioned Tuesday at the general meeting, we have a position open for Social Coordinator. The person filling this position will have it until May 2008. Here are the responsibilities of Social Chairperson, as stated in the SOTA-Houston bylaws:
1. Shall survey membership to identify the social interests of the chapter members.
2. Shall appoint a committee to organize and implement social functions.
3. Shall act as coordinator of the social committee and report the committee's plans to HSCB (consider this the SOTA officers) and chapter members.
4. Shall serve as a member of the Ways and Means Committee.
If you want to be nominated for this position, please e-mail Scott at BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1st! Thank you!

Scott B. McCoy, SOTA President

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