Monday, September 24, 2007

TOTA Mixer

Top 4 Reasons to Attend the Student Mixer at TOTA:

Friday October 12 7pm Woodlands Waterway
4-Free Food
3-Goody bags
2-A panel of speakers that will talk candidly with the students
1-There will be an after party/get together afterwards so that everyone can mingle and catch up (Planned by Alvin and Karla-- so you know it will be a good time!!)

To sign up, just check the student mixer bubble on the registration form.
Per Jenifer Matsu; "Students only need to register for one conference's doesn't matter if it's friday...they also need to be TOTA members to attend the mixer."

sounds like a lot of fun! So don't forget to mail your registration in by Sept. 28th!

Adrianne Herbst
Corresponding Secretary
SOTA Houston

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