Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Rebuilding Together Houston

Hey MOTs! Hope those of you who made it enjoyed the first SOTA meeting of the year! For those of you who didn't make it, you're probably wondering who I am: I'm the service chairperson for SOTA, so if you're interested in volunteering somewhere at sometime this year, please contact me!

Here's a little more information of Rebuilding Together Houston. There is one house project in the Fall and another in the Spring. For this Fall, the work days have been identified as October 20 th and 27th, with November 3rd being held as a rain day. The web site for this effort is: You do not need to have home-building skills or tools, just the time and desire to serve the low-income, elderly, or disabled whose homes need some revitalizing!

Please e-mail me,, back or find me at TWU, and let me know if a) you are interested in this opportunity, and b) if you would prefer the Fall or Spring.

Great! Hope the second week is going a little bit smoother than the first!


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