Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ronald McDonald House


This very daunting event of cooking chili for 100 people is right around the corner, next Tuesday evening to be exact. The plan is to have dinner ready by 7pm and be out of there by 9pm. This would necessitate being at the Ronald McDonald house (directions below) by 6pm or even earlier. However, I know the MOT 3's have FW class until 6:00pm and some will be doing their presentations. If you can arrange with the instructor to leave early, please do so. I've spoken with Dr. Rydin and I will be leaving class by 5:30 in order to start setting up at the RM House (if you want to ride with me, let me know). If you can't be there by 6pm, please send me an e-mail to let me know when you will be there. NO MATTER WHAT, PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL TO CONFIRM THAT YOU WILL BE COMING.

The plan is to prepare and serve dinner for around 100 people, approximately 65 parents and 35 children. I had hoped to do some sort of activity for the children during or right after dinner, but I think we're already a bit out of league cooking for such a large group. If you have any interest in putting together a craft or other activity for the kids to do, let me know.

If you have signed up to bring food, please put it in the peds lab before Monday. I will put a box in there tomorrow (Thursday) labeled "for Ronald McDonald House".

If you have any questions, please e-mail or call me at 210-913-0810.

I'm so glad you've all volunteered to do this and I look forward to spending next Tuesday night with you all,


Map to the Ronald McDonald House:

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