Wednesday, May 30, 2007

2007 Election Results

SOTA officers for Fall 2007

President........................Scott McCoy
VP................................Jessica Ng
Corres. Secretary...............Adrianne Herbst
Recording Secretary............Kimberly Thomas
Treasurer........................Anne Booth
Parliamentarian.................Anna Petry
Historian.........................Violeta Chen
Social.............................Joy Kirkendall
Service...........................Pamela Stewart
Education........................Stephanie Wiggins
Ways & Means..................Jamie Hardy & Lauren Disler

Faculty Advisor.................Dr. Smith

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More Recognition Night Pics

Hey MOTs!

Hope everyone is having a great break. Please share your photos if you can! I'm searching for the perfect group picture. There's a prize for 1st place! WHO WILL WIN?

(click on pic to go to album)

Until next time...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Recognition Night version 2.0

Thank you for all who were involved in putting this event together. All the sleepless nights and countless hours of hard work have truly paid off! I hope everyone will remember that night as a night of celebration!


Recognition night

Recognition Night was held at Treebeards Market Square on May 11, 2007 from 7-10pm:

Thank you for everyone that came volunteer, attend, and support Recognition night. Many thanks to Dr. Suzanne M. Peloquin, PhD, OTR, FAOTA for speaking at the function.

The food was delicious. Cajun style beans and rice, jalapeno corn bread, shrimp etouffee, salads, and brownies! I couldn't help myself for seconds.

Many well wishes go to the MOT4s on their accomplishments!

Here are pictures from the event!

(click on pics to enlarge)

For more pics click on the photo album below here:
Recognition night

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Schools over!

Congrats to MOT 4s for completing their final semester before starting their rotations. And congrats to the MOT 2s for finishing their first year of OT. Time to celebrate and relax until the next round!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Workshops for SOTA

After chatting up with some classmates, I realized that in comparison with other OT students from other schools we lack in certain areas in the fieldwork. I really want us to step up our game and show that we are just as good and maybe even better. The workshops will be one or more classes that'll be scheduled during the week. Day and time will be scheduled later.

I need some feedback on this. Please take the time to take the poll! Add comments if you have any.

Dr. Smith suggested other workshops such as Splinting, Joint mobilization, Shoulder problems/treatment, Soft tissue mobilization and NDT training

Password code: sota

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Last Social for Spring 07

Buca di Beppo was a nice event with good food and good company. The salad, pizza, calamari, and especially the tiramisu stuffed everyone's stomach. Thanks to those that came out to eat.

Good luck on finals!

Here some pics. Enjoy!

(click on pics to enlarge)